The Light Still Shines
When you support The Light Still Shines with your prayer and financial gifts, we are able to continue sharing the story of Kim's life, death, and her love for God. We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and your gifts are tax deductible.
Proceeds in the past from the sale of Kim's video on DVD and your donations have supported our non-profit ministry and enabled us to support many missionaries around the world. We are so excited to now have the videos of Kim's story and message on YouTube for anyone to watch for FREE! This endeavor to make the message free in turn means that DVD sales will no longer be a consistent basis of support for our ministry. We are asking our friends, partners in ministry, and anyone that has been touched by Kim's life and message to help us continue The Light Still Shines Ministry.
Thank you, Rhonda Smith, for your selfless devotion to the ministry as our Director. We will be forever grateful for your capable administration and dedication to keep Kim's legacy alive through this ministry.
Give online or mail your gift to:
The Light Still Shines Ministry
8000 Research Forest Drive, #115, PMB104
The Woodlands , TX 77382
Thank you for your generous support!